Sam’s A B*tch For Not Standing In That Corner…..

Another week has passed at the NCWA uk dojo and I enjoyed this week more than any week before!

First of all I just want to say how cool it was seeing some new faces this week. Some experienced guys coming in and some fresh blood. It’s really good to see everyone taking an interest and to see different people coming in!

Second of all. You can blame Ryan Lee, half of the hot-blooded males for the shoddy blog title.

This week started off a little differently from previous weeks. A New warm up routine! Well…. New to me anyway. Started off jogging round in a circle and then when Andy shouted “LEFT HAND” you put your left hand to the floor. When He shouted “RIGHT HAND” you put your right hand to the floor. When Andy shouted “BOTH HANDS” Guess what happens? yeah You guessed it! Both hands down! We did this for about five minutes changing direction every now and again and running backwards. Then we went on to the regular stretches. During the stretches we managed to fit in 100 squats.

After the stretches we went on to the first wrestling routine. This week we went on to a sleep and roll routine. Sleeping being throwing yourself to the floor in an attempt to trip your opponent

You would do 10 “sleeps” or drop downs as some people know them as, 5 on each side of the ring. While you did your drop down you would have your opponent do a rolling fall OVER you. As I said this would happen five times on each side. Once you have done your drop downs its then  your turn to roll over the next guy/girl for ten rolls and then you’re done. This routine is genuinely exhausting and nauseating. Not only is this exhausting, getting up and back down for the drop downs, but the constant rolling over your opponent is REALLY tiring and made me feel verrrry dizzy! But everyone got through it! A quick drink and on to the next!

The next being a rendition of the pin routine we have done before. This time There are two wrestlers on the floor and one person goes for the pin on the first, they kick out, you go for the second person and repeat until you have done 5 pins on each person. Then its your turn to hit the mat. Kicking out with power and fight is vital in this routine. As we are told by Mark every single time we do this. If the crowd can see you’ve still got fight in you then they will buy in to the match. If you’re flopping out after two minutes then they have no reason to believe you’re going to be able to fight your way to the top. The kick out technique we are taught is both feet of the floor, shoulders off the mat and sit up full afterwards.

After this we were set in to pairs,I was paired up with the Mean Machine Mark Sanders himself. Our task at this point was to recreate a set routine but end each one differently but in an international style set up. So there had to be a couple of evades and end in an attack of some sort. The technical routine was;

Wrist lock, Reverse the wrist lock, into a headlock into a hammerlock, reverse hammerlock, Hammerlock reversed again and into a snap mare. (other something along those lines, My memory isn’t so great! But essentially it went along those lines and you had to think up your own routine at the end to finish off. As I don’t have too much experience of match building, Scratch that I have NO experience of match building, Mark took the wheel to select the spots. We had to do one for each wrestler. Marks went as follows. I reversed Marks snap mare attempt Throwing him in the ropes, he came back at me and I stopped him off using a modified headbutt to the gut. I then threw him in to the corner and ran at him and he reversed with a reverse elbow. I ran at him again and he jumped over me. I didn’t get low enough and accidentally head butted him in the gentleman’s area (SORRY!) He ran across to the other corner as I followed him he went up to the second rope and hit a cross body and went for the pin and sequence over! Mine was slightly different.

I took the snap mare and rolled to a seated position, Mark went to kick me in the face, I ducked and rolled him up for a pin. Mark Rolled straight through on the pin and rose to his feet, i met him with a forearm to the face and hit the ropes. He then met me with his own back elbow and as he hit the opposite rope I then hit him with my signature flying clothesline! Everyone then went in the ring and had their own go and everyone had a different rendition of the move set. NOW ON TO THE MATCHES.

I was put in a 4 on 3 handicap match I was teaming up with Dave and Zeek and we were against Jacob, Aidan and two other gents who I can’t remember the name of (sorry I’m terrible with names!) The three of us were the “Faces” and the other four were the “heels”. It started off with Dave and One of the big guys in the ring. Dave squared up to him and I kid you not came up to his nipple… He came off the rope, attempted a shoulder block. No movement. Came off the second rope and attempted it again, NOTHING. Dave then tagged in Zeek who had a go. Decked it after the first bump. Now it was my turn. Just to emphasize how big this guy was, I’m 6ft tall, 250lbs and this guy towered over me and his shoulders were huge. So I squared up to him, trying to make myself look a little bigger. Looked him dead in the eye. It’s my turn now. I hit the ropes and hit a shoulder charge and he started to stumble, I hit the ropes again and hit another big shoulder charge. (in retrospect, I should have hit a bigger move,  A dropkick or flying back elbow.) down he goes! He gets back to his feet and I hit the first of three big clothes lines, after the third he stays down. It’s time to get out of there! I pick him up and put him in our corner and tag Dave back in. Dave got his turn to come in and get a couple of shots in before he got over powered. Jacob then got tagged in and wore Dave down and threw him in our corner. Zeek got tagged in, Came off the ropes and immediately got taken down. He got taken into their corner and beaten down by each of our opponents. This went on for a good few minutes. Aidan ended up being the last in the ring attacking zeek. Aidan ran at Zeek and Zeek managed to get his foot up. As Aidan was stumbling zeek managed to take him down with a clothesline. As he was crawling across to make a tag he was dragged away at the last moment! Taken in to the corner again. Beat down some more! He finally manages to battle his way out of the corner, Taking out many of their team on the way. He manages to make the tag to me. I come in and start my sequence of attacks. My sequence always goes, Shoulder charge, Reverse elbow flying clothesline. So I hit my moves and pick him up off the mat and pick aidan up into a fireman Carry. 

Aidan reverses with some elbows to the face and manages to get down. he kicks me in the gut and tucks my head under for a DDT. He hooks my left arm behind my back, I’ve never taken a DDT like this before. It feels strange! But I take it like a boss. I hit the deck and roll to the side! At this point there is carnage in the ring everyone is beating on everyone. I wish I was watching so i could describe what was happening but I was too busy selling my head in the corner waiting for the ring  to empty so I could finish the match. I hear a big BOOM on the mat. This I know is Jacob hitting His TKO finisher on Zeek. This is my queue to start getting up. They empty the ring leaving me and Aidan alone. we both stand up I lift him up off the ground spin round and slam him to the ground for a massive spine buster finish! 1…2….3! Game Over! We all get up and out of the ring shake hands and end the session.

We all felt the match went well. A couple of spots were out of step and a bit sloppy but all in all we all got a moment to introduce what we were about.

Here’s to Next week!

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